Thursday, February 2, 2012

Register: One on of the Problems When Hiring an Untrained Interpreter
There is a very common misconception that everyone who speaks two languages is a translator or an interpreter. Learning a language is one of the many steps to becoming a language service provider. There are hours of training and certification process so I always advise our clients to spend money and a qualified specialist who is a specialized interpreter otherwise you might get results described in the following article:
Lost in Translation
An expert claims we’re not hearing the real Dice-K.
By Sasha Issenberg
Source: Boston Magazine
For all the interviews he’s given, Boston (and the rest of the English-speaking world) may be getting a skewed sense of what Daisuke Matsuzaka has to say. The problem, according to author and Japanese-baseball expert Robert Whiting, is that Dice-K’s interpreter, Harvard grad Masa Hoshino, overly refines the star pitcher’s speech. “In Japanese, Matsuzaka sounds like an ordinary player,” Whiting says. But in English, “he sounds like a United Nations diplomat making an address in the General Assembly.” (Hoshino declined to comment.)
Heeding Whiting’s call, we took a few clips of Matsuzaka and Hoshino from postgame press conferences, and had the Japanese retranslated by Andrew Steele, a Japanese instructor at Clark University. As the Sox wrap up their regular season, we figure it’s time to finally hear an unfiltered version of the $52 million pitcher’s words.
April 22; Sox beat Yankees 7-6; Dice-K’s pitching was shakyMatsuzaka 満足するはずもありません。もう、本来ならば、三点取られて、チームが四点を、四点を、四点を、とり方といいますか、あそこから、やはり、しっかり抑えな きゃいけないと、思うので、次回またニューヨークで、投げますけど、まぁ今日のようなピッチングにならないように、したいと思います。
Hoshino “There’s no way I could be satisfied after initially allowing three runs and then my teammates, through those four consecutive home runs, taking the lead. What I wanted most of all was to hold that lead, and I couldn’t do that. When I get a chance to pitch again in New York next week, it’s something that I will be conscious of and I will do my best not to repeat the problems that I had today.”Steele “There’s no way I can be satisfied. I gave up three runs, and in a way, after the team got four runs, I knew that I had to take charge and hold the lead. Next time I will be pitching in New York, I will have to make sure that it won’t be like my pitching today.”
May 9; Sox beat Blue Jays 9-3; Dice-K allowed five hits and three walksMatsuzaka
れまでも自分のボールに対して自信を持たなかったことはないですし。まぁ悪かった原因の一つとして、先ほども言ったように、考えすぎた、考えすぎていたと いう、部分があったと思います。でも、投げていて、そう見える、ということは自分自身に問題があると思うので、特に、何と言うんですかね。自信があるとい うことを顔に出して投げるつもりはないんですけど、それが周りに伝わるように、まぁしっかりとゲームの中で投げていきたいと思います。
Hoshino “I’ve always been confident in my stuff, but I will admit that maybe there were some situations where I was overthinking a little bit. If it appears that I lack confidence on the mound, that might be a problem. But, at the same time, I’m not necessarily going to change my facial expression to try to convey confidence.”Steele “There hasn’t been a time when I had no confidence in my pitches, but as I said before, one of my bad points today was that there were parts where I was thinking too much. And because this is apparent in my pitches, I know that I have a problem. But it’s not like I am trying to look confident when I am pitching. It’s just that I want it so that my confidence can be communicated to my teammates to settle down and pitch well during the game.”
June 22; Sox beat Padres 2-1; Dice-K started poorly, then improvedMatsuzaka
Hoshino “Firstly, I tried to get off to a gentle start today, but that clearly didn’t go so well. After getting into the jam, I told myself that maybe one run would be permissible here, and that is how I approached that tight spot.”
Steele “At the beginning, I tried getting into the game quietly, but I failed. When I got myself into a jam, I was pitching with the mentality that having the bases loaded or letting in one run was something that couldn’t be helped.”
Originally published in Boston magazine, October 2007
First thing that I want to point out is that the interpreter is a Harvard grad. Which is impressive, however, what are Masa Hoshino’s interpreting credentials? There may be none.
So why does the baseball player sound like a UN politician? Because the interpreter doesn’t bother to interpret in the same register as the speaker. One of the skills that the interpreter must possess is the ability to interpret not just words but the spirit of the conversation.

Localization, LLC Translation Services is a full service translation company providing comprehensive translation, localization and multimedia services in over 50 languages.
With offices in Cleveland, Ohio and Boston Massachusetts, we at Localization, LLC Translation Services are much honored to provide language services to our clients in Boston, Cleveland, Chicago, Washington D.C., San-Francisco, London, Moscow and Paris to name a few.
Our goal is to provide affordable translation services and stay committed to quality, customer service and detailed process. We strive to make ourselves available to our clients 24/7 making sure that they are well-informed of every step of the project progress from cost estimation to its completion.

Localization LLC Translations, Boston
25 New Chardon St
Boston, MA 02114

Localization LLC Translations, Cleveland
4807 Rockside Rd Suite 400
Cleveland, OH 44131

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